《冰与火之歌》卷一 《权力的游戏》
第十四章 凯特琳 catelyn 小狼勇救主,猫姨终醒悟
- my lady, the king's party had healthy appetites. we must replenish our stores before...
replenish 补充,重新装满
- maester luwin set the lamp in a niche by the door and fiddle with its wick.
niche 壁龛;称心或舒适的工作/生活;商机,市场定位 fiddle 摆弄,拨弄;篡改;调整
"niche- somewhere out in winterfell, a second wolf began to howl in chorus with the first. then a third, closer.
- catelyn was shaking. it was the grief, the cold, the howling of the direwolves. night after night, the howling and the cold wind and the grey empty castle, on and on they went, never changing, and her boy lying there broken, the sweetest of her children, the gentlest, bran who loved to laugh and climb and dreamt of knighthood, all gone now, she would never hear him laugh again.
- the howling was gone, she realized as she listened to the cacophony.
cacophony 杂音,刺耳的嘈杂声
- there was a low rumble, less than a snarl, the merest whisper of a threat, but he must have heard something, because he started to turn just as the wolf made his leap. the man's shriek lasted less than a second before the beast wrenched back its head, taking out half his throat.
rumble 持续而低沉的声音 snarl 动物呲牙低吼 shriek 因疼痛惊讶而尖叫
- it all seemed like a nightmare to her now, everything since bran's fall, a terrible dream of blood and grief, but she had the pain in her hands to remind her that it was real. she felt weak and light-headed, yet strangely resolute, as if a great weight had lifted from her.
light-headed 头重脚轻的 resolute 坚决的,果断的 resolution 决心
- if you are to rule in the north, you must think these things through, robb. answer your own questions. why would anyone want to kill a sleeping boy?
- there was much more than she'd asked for: hot bread, butter and honey and blackberry preserves, a rasher of bacon and a soft-boiled egg, a wedge of cheese, a pot of mint tea.
rasher 火腿薄片 wedge 楔子;楔形物
"rashers of bacon "a wedge of cheese- it was the reply she had expected, no more and no less. her hands throbbed with pain, as if the blade were still in her, cutting deep.
- ---did you chance to notice the dagger the killer used? ---the circumstance did not allow me to examine it closely, but i can vouch for its edge.
- we found the knife still in the villain's grasp. it seemed to me that it was altogether too fine a weapon for such a man, so i looked at it long and hard. the blade is valyrian steel, the hilt dragonbone. a weapon like that has no business being in the hands of such as him. someone gave it to him.
villain 恶棍,坏人;反面人物,反派人物
- i want your oaths on that. if even part of what i suspect is true, ned and my girls have ridden into deadly danger, and a word in the wrong ears could mean their lives.
- all we have is conjecture. this is the queen's beloved brother we mean to accuse. she will not take it kindly. we must have proof, or forever keep silent.
conjecture 推测,猜测,揣测
- she looked at ser rodrik with his great white whiskers, at maester luwin in his grey robes, at young greyjoy, lean and dark and impetuous.
whisker 胡须,猫/鼠的须;络腮胡 impetuous 浮躁的,冲动的,鲁莽的,轻率的
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